
CUE Proposes Wider Range Of Choices for Study Abroad

A student-faculty advisory committee tentatively plans to recommend changes in procedures for study abroad that would allow students to choose from a broader variety of academic programs.

The proposal would end an existing requirement that undergraduates studying abroad or at other U.S. schools take at least two courses in their concentration, and it would sift some responsibility for students programs from Harvard departments to Le Faculty.

The Committee Undergraduate Education (CUE) discussed the plan at a regular meeting yesterday and may include it in a broad set of recommendations to the Faculty expected in May, Sidney Verba '53, an associate dean and the group's chairman, said afterwards.

The committee has already said it will recommend new rules for independent study, as well as plans so change all non-graded course options to pass/fail and to prohibit all exams during reading period.

The New Plan


Under current procedures, students who wish to study abroad or at other schools in the United States need approval from their department's head tutor and the College's Administrative Board, a central committee of senior tutors and administrators.

The CUE plan would include a Faculty committee in the approval process and would end existing departmental requirements, allowing students to take a broader variety of courses.

No Argument Here

CUE members said the change will give professors more "quality control" over the type of programs in which students enroll without necessarily restricting subject matter

The new process for getting approval for an outside study program would include three main steps.

* a senior tutor reviews the student's general academic standing.

* the student's departmental head tutor reviews his standing within the concentration and ability to fulfill degree requirements.

* and a Faculty committee would review the student's overall study plan and give final approval.

CUE rejected a proposal that the College compile a list of "acceptable" institutions where student could receive credit toward a Harvard degree.
