
Dins, Not Kroks, in Spotlight For Yale Weekend Songfest

When the Din and Tonics, one of Harvard's newest groups, host the Radcliffe Pitches and the Yale Whiffenpoof at tomorrow night's Sanders. Theater jamboree they 'll be serenading the group that usually takes center stage at Harvard's a capella extravaganzas the Krokodiloes will be sitting in the audience.

"I guess it's just a matter of growing up." Scott N. Fletcher `84, a member of the Dins, said Thursday. Last spring marked the first time that the Dean of Students` Office included the four-year-old group in negotiations to determine which of Harvard's four singing ensembles will perform at Sanders Theatre during the busiest weekends of the year, Fletcher added.

Yet the peculiar circumstances by which the Dins secured their rights to Sanders this weekend, haven't helped dispel the group's image of a struggling underdog.

According to various sources, the Glee Club first tried to schedule Sanders for tomorrow night's performance, but cancelled over the summer. They reportedly awarded the date to the Dins, while the Kroks were touring in Europe.

"There was a large misunderstanding of who had rights to the date "because there was no precedent for such a cancellation. Dins business manager Eugene H Lee '84, said yesterday.


It there was a question of what to do, there should have been some arbitration between the groups," said one Krok who asked not to be identified. "They shouldn't have taken the date from behind our backs."

While the Dins invited the Kroks in October to appear with them on stage this weekend, the kroks refused. "It was in the interest of both groups not to interfere" with the Dins plans the krok added.
