
Local Teach-Ins to Examine Real Solutions to Arms Race

The School of Public Health (SPH) and several local disarmament organizations today are sponsoring programs on solutions to the nuclear arms race, as part of a second-annual Veterans' Day nuclear convocation occurring on more than 500 campuses.

In contrast to last year's emphasis on the consequences of nuclear war, today's lectures and workshops will focus on specific solutions to the arms race, Howard C. Ris, director of the nuclear arms program for the Cambridge-based Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), said yesterday.

"Last year was an effort to educate the public just about the effects of nuclear war, but now we want to educate people about actual arms control, Paula Gutleve, director of the Boston chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), said earlier this week.

Today's events also should show that national concern over the arms race remains high after the November elections and the success of nuclear freeze referendums in eight of nine states, Ris said.

A disarmament forum in the SPH's Kresge building will begin with a morning program offering two speakers, including Howard H. Hiatt, dean of SPH, and then four workshops.


Workshop topics will range from the arms race's effects on the third world to options for action on the community level, Lawrence H. Kushl, one of the SPH students organizing the program, said earlier this week.

"In the workshops, we want people actually to get involved to stop the arms race," Kushl said. "We want to give people a feeling that they have the power to do something," he added.

In the afternoon, Waging Peace, a local organization, will present a panel discussion in Sanders Theater with Randall Forsberg, a pioneer in the nuclear freeze movement; John R. Silber, president of Boston University; and Henry W. Kendall, chairman of UCS.

Six workshops and a speech by Hans A. Bethe, the 1967 Nobel laureate in physics and a former head of the theoretical division of the

Los Alamos N M nuclear weapons laboratory, will follow the panel.

PSR organizers also will host an evening program in the Kresge building featuring speeches by Bethe and Bernard Lown president of International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War Gutleve said.

In another evening program at the Divinity School, UCS will show its new film about the impossibility of limited nuclear war followed by a group discussion, Ris said
