
Nominations End for Council; 63 Freshmen Registered to Run

Sixty-three freshmen have registered as candidates for seats on the Undergraduate Council, according to tentative lists released yesterday afternoon by students responsible for taking the nominations.

Students interested in running in the council election had to have given their name as a self nomination to their House Committee chairman or two specially designated freshmen by the closing of nomination yesterday.

Complete lists of candidates in the Houses were unavailable yesterday In Adams House, eight students had nominated themselves. Currier, 10: Dunster, nine, Eliot, seven, Mather, 14, North, 12: South, 10, and Winthrop, eight No tentative lists were available for the other four Houses.

The freshmen nominated as of 4 p.m. yesterday were Theresa Amato, Stuart Anlgang, Ied Ashford, Michael Baldock, Anthony Ball, Preeta Bansal, Saran Burgess, Jenniler Burton Ethan Cohen, Regan Coleman, Eggert Dagbjartsson, Gerlad Damm, Suzanne Dechy, Charles DiBona, Mark Eichorn, Erica Eisenberg, Andrew Fletcher, William Foulkes, M. Fima Friedman, Paul Gompers, Loralic Goss, Alison Harrington, Emily Harrison, Adrienne Headley, Ron Herman, Michael Hirschorn, Raquel Jacobson, Per Jebsen, Kerry Kelgar, Scott Kogan, Mary Kwak, Deborah I esinsohn, Brian Melindez, Alan Morre, Steven Nusshaum, An Posner, Marvin Putnam, William Rehling, Samuel Rickless, Mitch Rosner, Chris Roy, Charles Rudmick, Jill Ruttenberg, Jell Russan, Laura Robinson, Michael Samols, Katherine Saunders, Henry Shapiro, Andrea Silbert, Daman Silvers, Steven Smart, Vivian Sogor, Jake Stevens, James Umlas, Elisheva, Tracy Velasquez, Ann Von Germeten, Doug Winthlop, Stan Yukoevitch, Bill Zachary and Charles Zender.

The Adams residents nominated were Dan Collins '85, Joseph A. DiNunzio '84, John Leiber '83, Jeff Madison '85, Thomas J. Meyer '84, Lonnie Rodrguez '83, David Siverman '83, and J. French Wall '83.


The Currier residents nominated were Richard Bennet '85, Michael Bock '85, Mike Brown '84, Iracey Carroll '84, Curtis Hairslon 84, Stacy Lewis '84, Paula Maranan 84, Aimando Mendez '84, Natasha Peal '84 and Mark Pelotsky.

The Dunster residents nominated were Miriam Cardosa '85, Nick Collarossi '85, Logam Evans '85, Jeanette Kelleher '83, Heidi Meyer '83, Paul Palmer '85, Mike Ricciuti '85, and Wallace Tang '85.

The Fliot residents nominated were Felicra Eckstem '84, Scott Falk '84, David Kahn '84, Lance LaVergne '84, Lyn LeBoeul '84, Dean R Madden '85 and Chris Reuther '83.

The North residents nominated were Tom Anderson '85, Michael Anton '84, Amy Han '84, Laz Heneghan '84, Greg Lyss '85, Matt McEvoy '84, Andy Saxe '84, Debbi Seligsohn '84, Ed Spillane '85, Mark Takano '83, Tom Watson '83 and Greg Williams '85.

The South residents nominated were Alison Bennie '84, Steve Black '84, Philip Gardner '85, Gail Latoul '84, Peter Nanula '84, Judy Saxe '84, Tom Schuler '84, Greg Stem '83, Kate Tews '85 and Catherine Thomas '84.

The Winthrop residents nominated wre Vincent Breshanan '85, Peter Coharis '83. Victor Freeman '84, Paul Kang '84, Ehot Kieval '84, Kelly Klegar '85, Gene Miao '83, and Ron Samuel '85.
