J. French Wall 83, the one candidate for the chairmanship of the Undergraduate Council who had advocated immediate attention to progressive political issues, yesterday said he would withdraw from the election at Sunday's meeting, citing un unwillingness to manage the council's procedural concerns.
Wall said he would personally support Micheal G. Colantuone '83 for the one-term top past on the 89 member council. He called Colantuono "the only other candidate that I could upto wanted to do something."
Wall, however, did not give Colantuono a full endorsement, and said he did not know whether he would urge the council to elect Coluntuono in the now seven man race.
In a letter which he intends to distribute to council members Sunday night. Wall says Colontuono can bring vision and direction to the council and provide impartial organizational skill and expertise." But he stops short of asking them to vote for him.
Action Soon
During a two-hours candidates debate at the new council's first meeting Wednesday night. Wall had urged the council's committees in have "a success of substance soon" in order to overcome the long standing reputation of Harvard student government ineffectiveness.
But the other candidates stressed the need for internal policy making including the establishment of council by laws Colantuono, who, like Wall, has been campus gay rights activist, expressed what he called his own progressive views, but promised he would not impress them on the council.
Saying, "I feel sick to do this, but I would feel sicker come November." Wall said his universes in the machines of running the council is the main reason he would not want to be its chairman.
I personally don't want to be burdened with petty bureaucraticdetails, he said adding. "I really feel this is a way that I can be more active" on the council as a whole.
When informed of Wall's decision to drop out. Colantuono said. I firmly believe if would be counter productive for both of us to be in the race on Sunday. He added. There were no other candidates who showed my politics of any kind.
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