
Anderson Named to New Science Chair

Alumni Endows Atmospheric Chemistry Professorship

University officials yesterday announced the appointment of Lines G Anderson But den Professor of Atomspheric Chemistry, to a newly endowed chair in the same field established by Phillip S. Weld to as part of Harvard's $350 million fund drive.

Anderson's appointment to the $1 million Weld Professorship of Atmosphere Chemistry will allow Richard SJ. mzden 60. McKay Professor of Dynamical Meteorology to as came the Burden chain.

Weld a well-known oceanic sailor and Anderson are personal friends, but officials said yesterday the yachtsman a gift was not contingent on Anderson's appointment.

The gift was made first, and the decision [on who to appoint to the chair] was made later," said William H. Boardman, director of major gifts for the University's Development Office.

Describing Weld as one of the outstanding individuals I've ever met. Anderson said yesterday that the former newspaper publisher "gave the gift to Harvard, not to me."


Stratospheric Threat

Anderson's research focuses on the effect of free radicals-fragments of molecules that are extremely reactive and can destroy ozone by converting it back into molecular oxygen-on the stratosphere.

His work gamed international attention recently when he used a translucent helium-filled balloon 100 times the size of the Goodyear blimp" and "as high as the John Hancock Building" in Boston to lower a 150lh. package of measuring devices repeatedly through the stratosphere.

Out of the Laboratory

The purpose of the revolutionary experiment was to move the study of free radicals out of the laboratory, the 38 year-old scientist said "Predicting the future of the stratosphere is the crucial question and this can only be done by studying the behavior of free radicals in the stratosphere as well as specific reactions in the laboratory."

The success of the balloon operation, Anderson explained, "is that we can enter a new generation of stratosphere exploration that will enable us to provide data from the stratosphere itself that is comparable" to lab data.


In June, 1980, Weld won international recognition in the sailing world by capturing the 2850-mile Observer Singlehanded Transatlantic Race from Plymouth, England to Newport, Rinnh Island.

Weld completed the course in 17 days, 23 hours and 12 minutes aboard his 51-foot trimaran Moxie.
