

Yesterday's Games

B.U.2, Men's Soccer I (OT)

Mussusoit College 2, Men's J.V. Soccer I

MIT over Women's Volleyball, 13-15, 15-7, 14-16, 15-13, 15-9

Water, Polo vs, B.U. (cancelled)


(The aquamen travel to Brown this weekend for the second round of the New England championships.)

Today's Game

Women's Soccer at UConn

The Football Strike

Despite mediator Sam Kagel's announcement that the two sides are back at the bargaining table and discussing "all of the serious economic isues in great depth," the NFI, called off its schedule for the fifth straight weekend.

NBA Exhibition

Colties 132, San Antonio 107


New York Islanders 5, Vancouver 4

Bruins 3, Calgary l
