
Business Program At Kennedy School To Get $1 Million

A major life insurance company yesterday announced it will present $1 million to the Center of Business and Government at the Kennedy School of Government.

The gift, from the Aetna Life & Casualty Foundation. Inc.. is the third $1 million donation the center has received in its one-year history. The money will establish a professorship of public policy and corporate management within the center.

Aetna chairman John H Filer will present the money tonight when he speaks at the K-School.

Business has an involvement a stake a role in a variety of public policy I sues. It would be foolish to address them without intelligent collaboration with others. Filer said yesterday.

Aetna contributed another $100,000 to the center in January when of was formally established Faculty from Harvard's business law and government schools will participate in the center.


Graham T. Allison death of the K-School, said yesterday. In American society, no major purpose can be achieved by government acting alone.

It is dramatic and significant that a life insurance company would see the need to endow an academic institution. In A. Jackson `70 associated dean of the K-School said yesterday, adding. "This really means that we are cooking up an enormous head of steam.

The center will also initiate research protects and has established a faculty committee and an advisory board whose members include leading figures in business and government organizations.

Previous $1 million grants have come from Atlantic Richfield and from an alumnus, Frank Weill '53.
