
This One's on the House

Heaven'n Nell

Anyone who has missed a play because he was watching football cheerleaders will agree it's always important to look at the figures behind the figures. Dean Fox's study on differences among the undergraduate Houses revealed a lot. However, sections of the report deemed too controversial were kept under lock and key and are only now beginning to leak out. They include the following:

* Percentage of Eliot House students with Group I or Group II grades: 28.

Percentage of Eliot House students who don't need to study because they're going to work for their fathers after graduation: 72.

* Percentage of Kirkland House students on a varsity team: 45.7

Percentage of Kirkland House students who are frustrated athletes: 54.3


* Percentage of Leverett House students who are male: 69.4

Percentage of Leverett House students who go to Wellesley every weekend: 19.4

* Percentage of Dunster House students in Group I or Group II: 50.

Percentage of Dunster House students in Cabot Library on Friday nights: 50.

* Percentage of Eliot House students who attended private school: 50.9

Percentage of Winthrop House students who wish they had attended private school: 100.

* Percentage of Lowell students who attend House teas: 140.

* Percentage of Adams House students on a varsity team: 4.7.

Percentage of Adams House students who think "jock strap" means the French guy next door: 95.3

And there were other disparities among the Houses that were not noted in Fox's original study. For example, the proportion of students who walk more than a mile a day ranges from 5 per cent in Adams House to 90 per cent in South House.

Furthermore, the percentage of students living in a House that begins with the letter "Q" ranges from 0 per cent in Currier to 100 per cent in Quincy. Dudley House has a similarly glaring lack of diversity since 100 per cent of its students live off campus.

Perhaps the following chart best illustrates the lack of diversity in the Houses: Per Cent of House Residents Who Are Freshmen:   Classes:  79-82  82-84 Adams  0  0 Currier  0  0 Dudley  0  0 Dunster  0  0 Eliot  0  0 Kirkland  0  0 Leverett  0  0 Lowell  0  0 Mather  0  0 North  0  0 Quincy  0  0 South  0  0 Winthrop  0  0
