
In Favor of the Draft


To the Editors of The Crimson:

Previous to my reading the January 20 "Dissenting Opinion" I felt quite alone among my undergraduate peers in my active belief that in order to change the military system in the U.S. we must involve ourselves more actively with it. If the system of defense and the opinions of war in this country can be changed it is Harvard students and those like us who can bring these changes about. Until we do this the chance of dirty little wars fought by the lower classes remains alive, as does the confusion of militarism with patriotism and all the many other misconceptions of ideology which have arisen from the separation of young, perceptive, free-thinking minds from the military.

Humanity has long sought to end all war: we can never hope until war becomes humanity's burden and is no longer the curse of the poor but the fear of all people. John A. Steinert '83   Officer's Candidate   U.S.M.C.
