
Stickwomen Tie Bears in Wet Opener

2-2 Draw with Bowdoin

"The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat," or so the saying goes. But there is no solace in "We should have won" for those who only tie.

Saturday, in the rain, in the cold rain, the Harvard women's field hockey team tied Bowdoin's team, 2-2, in the game of the regular season.

The Harvard eleven "controlled and dominated" the game, coach Edie MacAusland said yesterday, adding that the team should have won. Harvard penetrated more effectively and got off more shots than Bowdoin, MacAusland said.

Bowdoin's Lisa Ginn scored first on a penalty flick 12 minutes into the game after Harvard goalkeeper Juliet Lamont sat on the ball.

With eight minutes left in the first half, left wing Jennifer White passed to center Kate Martin, whose shot missed the nets by a hair. Two minutes later, White fired a pass across the front line to right wing Laura DiBonaventura, who slapped a shot wide to the left of the goal.


Harvard's persistence around the goal soon paid off when Martin evened the score 30 minutes into the game with a slap shot off a short corner.

The Real Thing

Bowdoin's Mary Wilcox scored a real goal for the Bears 20 minutes into the second half after Bowdoin pushed its way down into Harvard territory and forced two quick short corner plays.

With six minutes left in the game. Harvard rallied with shots from link Annie MacMillain and freshman forward Andrea Minelli. Neither shot hit its mark, but the drive kept Harvard near the Bowdoin goal long enough for link Tania Huber to even the score at two goals apiece with a shot off a long corner play.

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