
Water Returns

Full water pressure returned to Lowell House and Gore Hall of Winthrop House early Saturday evening. 24 hours after a burst water main cut all pressure in the two buildings and flooded Mill St.

Students had received some water from alternate sources, but for most of Saturday pressure remained very low. Bathrooms on upper floors did not have water until 6 p.m.

Private contractors, who have been replacing sewers and pipes beneath Mill St. for five weeks, repaired the broken water main after Buildings and Grounds workers had accidently forced too much water into the pipe Friday night.

Hot water returned slowly to Gore Hall and Lowell House between 5 and 6 p.m. Saturday. Martha Savis, co-master of Winthrop House, said. The masters had opened public bathrooms in Standish Hall for Winthrop House residents.

Other veterans of the water shortage said they showered at the Indoor Track and Tennis facility, Claverly Hall and Leverett House.


"You don't know who'll let you shower with them until a time of crisis," one Winthrop resident said yesterday.
