
$35,000 Raised For Halberstam Memorial Fund

A new scholarship will be awarded to a student in the class of 1985 if the Michael J. Halberstam Memorial Scholarship Fund Committee is able to raise $100,000 before school starts in the fall, Milton S. Gwirtzman '54, co-chairman of the committee, said yesterday.

The scholarship, which will pay for four years of education for one needy student in every class, is in memory of Michael J. Halberstam '53, who was killed in his house last December by a burglar.

The committee has raised more than $35,000 since February, when it sent a letter to Halberstam's classmates. Gwirtzman said, adding that he is confident that the committee will reach the $100,000 goal by the fall.

Fund organizers have also begun to contact prospective contributors in person.

Halberstam was a physician and author in Washington, D.C. While at college, he was associate managing editor of The Crimson, a member of the crew team, and a History concentrator. He won the Dana Reed prize for undergraduate writing, and graduated with honors.


He would not have been able to attend Harvard without financial help.

Many prominent political, literary and academic figures are on the 83-person committee organizing the scholarship. They include: Marguerite S. Robinson '56, dean of students at Tufts University: John C. Culver '54, former senator from lowa: and Stephen Stamas '53, vice-president of Exxon.
