
On El Salvador


To the Editors of the Crimson:

In the Crimson of April 6, the president of the H-R Conservative Club defends his organization's sponsorship of Nicaraguan exile Jose Francisco Cardenal by saying that "I don't know everything about Nicaragua and I would like to hear for myself what Mr. Cardenal has to say about it." The sponsors of Mr. Cardenal's talk this Monday may know much less than they let on, however: the name Somoza, which meant political and economic power in Nicaragua the four decades before the 1979 revolution, is misspelled on all their publicity announcements. Such an error indicates an ignorance of Nicaraguan affairs on the part of the sponsors that calls into question their credibility and judgement in publicly presenting a political viewpoint on the situation. Every individual or organization has the right to entertain a person privately, but public sponsorship of political figures and the legitimization that accompanies it should be left to more informed student organizations. Henning Gutmann '82-2


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