
Bunting Institute Marks Anniversary

Enters Third Decade

Radcliffe's Bunting Institute this weekend celebrated its 20th anniversary as the only center in the country that awards postdoctoral fellowships primarily for women.

The Bunting Institute helps remove career barriers for women who are academically or artistically talented. Mary B. Anderson, acting director of the institute said yesterday.

The personal and professional success of more than 600 fellows proves how important it is for scholars and artists to "have a room of their own." President Horner said yesterday.

Bunting fellows receive $12,000 to $16,000 a year as well as an office or studio in Radcliffe Yard. The original program offered part-time fellowships with $3000 stipends.

The institute has changed as women's needs have changed. Horner said, adding that its programs try to look "five to ten years down the road."


Barbara G. Rosenkrantz '44, professor of the History of Science, went almost directly from the Bunting Institute to her tenured position at Harvard. Anderson said.

The Bunting fellowship "gave me a chance to put together some work in science and some work in history and write a book." Rosenkrantz said yesterday.

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