Two alumni who were among the American hostages held captive in Iran may return to Harvard for the 1981-82 academic year. The Center for International Affairs (CFIA) has informally invited John W. Limbert Jr. '64 and Elizabeth Ann Swift '62 to become CFIA fellows. But earlier this week, neither former hostage had been officially informed of the offer--which the CFIA sent through the State Department--and neither had yet responded.
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The Law Review thought it had found an acceptable affirmative action plan. But Albert M. Sacks, dean of the Law School, this week decided to form a special faculty committee to examine the Review's latest plan, which permits consideration of race and sex in the selection of editors but avoids quotas and targets.
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The number of women on the Faculty will hit 13 this July, when Sally Falk Moore, a professor of anthropology at the University of California at Los Angeles, becomes the only tenured woman in the Anthropology Department. Moore specializes in the study of African societies and comparative law.
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