
B-School Dorm Renovation Approved

Chase Hall Gutting Will Cost $5.6 Million

The Corporation has approved a $5.6 million plan to renovate Chase Hall, a dormitory at the Business School, officials said yesterday.

The repairs on Chase will be the third and most expensive in a series of dorm renovations at the B-School. McCulloch Hall was renovated in 1978 for a cost of $3.5 million and Mellon Hall in 1976 for $4 million, Paul H. Lapointe, assistant dean, director of Administrative Operations, said yesterday.

The B-School is now taking bids for the construction in Chase, and the Corporation will consider the bids on April 20, Lapointe added.

To alleviate a housing shortage while the reconstruction is underway, students and the B-School Housing Office have organized a housing referral system. Elizabeth A. Haggard, the housing coordinator, said yesterday her office will provide information to students about off-campus housing.

First-year students currently live in the dorm, which will be "completely regutted" in the interior, but the exterior of the building will not be altered. Construction is expected to start in early June and to finish 13 months later.


The funds for the project will come indirectly from the University, which will purchase bonds that the B-School will finance.

The B-School is renovating the dorm, which was constructed in the 1920s, to provide more up-to-date facilities for the students.

Ronald M. Cerrano, a second-year B-School student, comparing the olderdorms with the renovated ones, said yesterday, "originally, one person lived in two rooms, a den and a bedroom" but now two people share the same suite." He added that the privacy he had in his single room, in the recently renovated McCulloch, meant "all the difference in the world."

Dan R. Richards, a first-year B-School student, said the restroom situation is Chase's worst problem. "Eighteen guys sharing two showers can create some problems," he added.

Lapointe said that a private bathroom for every person will be installed, new study areas will be created and more insulation will be added. The entire floor plan will also be changed, and the bed capacity of the dorm will be reduced from 155 to 124, he added.

The school also hopes the renovation will enhance its recruiting position, Lapointe said. He referred specifically to the Executive Education Program participants, advanced managers in corporations, who will probably use the dorm during their summer sessions.

The B-School may also start revamping two other buildings this June. Lapointe said Dean's House dining hall may be enlarged at a cost of $800,000. The dean of the B-School, John H. McArthur, unlike many of his predecessors does not live in the house, but it may be used for special meetings and for housing special guests, Lapointe added.

The Corporation will consider Monday plans on these two projects.
