If you want access to any file kept by an official organ of the University, get an application from the Registrar's Office. The office will order the file and you can read it there under supervision (this is to insure that file contents are not removed or changed). Exceptions to this rule are UHS files and department files. Inquiries in these areas should be made directly to the departments involved. The registrar can retrieve information from the archives.
Here is a partial list of the infromation kept in various branches of the College:
Admissions Office: A;; application material, recommendations. Forwarded to FDO if you are admitted; kept for three years if you are not. Access limited to office personnel, admissions officers, you. You do not have access to recommendations to which you have waived viewing rights.
FDO: Admissions material, study cards, proctor's and adviser's reports, administrative board records, plans of study, any official correspondence. Access limited to FDO personnel, your proctors and advisers, you.
Police Department: All accounts of criminal acts in which you were involved as a perpetrator or victim, listed under perpetrator's name if known. Access limited to police and lawyers through court action.
UHS/Medical: All consultations with UHS. Access limited to UHS personnel, you.
UHS/Mental Health: Files on mental health consultations. Access limited to your UHS doctor, you. Copies available only to your lawyer or licensed therapist.
Academic Departments: Grades, tutors' reports, recommendations, correspondence. Access limited to departmental personnel, you.
House Office: Plans of study, grades, registrar's course summary, recommendations, tutors' reports, all FDO materials, copies of fellowship and job applications. Access limited to authorized House personnel, you.
Alumni Office: Directory information, nicknames, club memberships, parental information, five-year class reports. Access limited to you, alumni records personnel, and people with permission from dean of students.
Financial Aid Office: All official forms, budget statements, sometimes students' or parents' 1040 income tax forms, correspondence. Access limited to office employees, you, and your parents, if they are helping to pay for your education. You do not have access to your parents' income tax forms.
Office of Fiscal Services: All official documents, term bills, insurance payments. Access same as Financial Aid.
Archives: All House, Financial Aid, Fiscal Services information, honors theses. Access limited to you, your heirs or immediate family, archives workers, and biographers with family permission or long after your death.
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