Members of the Class of '80 left Harvard with an unusually strong work ethic, a report issued this week by the Office of Career Services and Off-Campus Learning (OCS-OCL), shows. A record 88 per cent of the class planned either full-time graduate study or full-time employment in the year after graduation, the study stated. It also showed that men and women in the class have more uniform career goals than any other class in recent years. About 95 per cent of last year's graduates responded to the survey.
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The University experienced a mini-crime wave during the last six months of 1980. Assaults reported to University police rose by 26 per cent, and incidents of breaking and entering increased by 31 per cent over the same period in 1979. But Saul L. Chafin, chief of University police, advised this week that "there is no real threat to us moving about Harvard property" and that the situation was much worse several years ago.
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Plans for transforming the land behind the Kennedy School of Government into the largest business complex in Harvard Square will be submitted to the Cambridge Planning Board later this month for final approval. The plans call for developing Parcel 1B into a large retail, hotel, housing and office complex with underground parking for 700 cars.
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