
Police Searching for Student Missing After Holiday Break

The University police yesterday joined in a state-wide search for a female graduate student missing since Saturday night.

Joan L. Webster, a 24-year old student at the Graduate School of Design (GSD), never returned to her room in Perkins Hall, a GSD dormitory, after arriving at Logan Airport at 10:30 p.m from Newark, N.J.

Webster's pocketbook and wallet were found Wednesday morning in a Marsh at the edge of Route 107 in Saugus Police said yesterday, adding that a foot search by 15 Saugus officers yesterday and a helicopter search Wednesday had not uncovered any further evidence.

The state police are coordinating the investigation, which involves the Boston, Cambridge, Saugus, Logan Airport, and University police.

"We have no evidence of foul play. but we have to look at every aspect," eehan said, adding that skin divers will comb the marsh today or tomorrow.


A press statement released by Webster's parents described her as 5'2" tall, weighing 122lbs., with brown hair and brown eyes. She was last seen wearing a long brown coat, a black skirt and a red blouse.

Saul L. Chafin. chief of the University police, said yesterday that detectives had verified Webster's presence in Logan at the baggage claim area but could not trace her afterwards. He added that three Harvard detectives are working on the investigation.

Webster's airline ticket was used and the luggage she checked was claimed, Meehan said, adding that the marsh where her belongings were found is six miles from Logan.

Webster's suitcase and a large tote bag she was carrying have not been found, the press release stated.

"From her parents and friends we've found that she is not the type of person who would disappear or go off by herself without telling them," Meehan said.

Chafin said anyone with information that might assist the search should contact the state police at 887-2381, the Saugus police at 233-1212, or the University police at 495-1212.

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