
Police Blotter

The following reports of major crimes were taken from notes in the Harvard Police log from October 29 to November 6. Police Blotter is a regular feature of The Crimson. Compiled by L. Joseph Garcia.

Two armed men attempted to rob a Harvard student and an MIT student early yesterday morning at the corner of Quincy St. and Kirkland St.

Approaching the students at 12:22 a.m., two white males in their teens demanded that the students stop and one threatened the students with a knife, Detective William Maher of the Cambridge Police said yesterday. Maher said the students yelled for assistance, then fled into Gund Hall.

Neither of the students was injured in the incident, Maher said, adding that no arrests have been made.

According to statistics released by the University Police last week, the incident is the seventh reported robbery or attempted robbery on University property this year. Last year at this time, six incidents had been reported.


October 31, 12:16 a.m.--Police arrested Judd J. Brooks of Boston for assault and battery with a deadly weapon. Driving on Huntington Ave. near the Medical School, officers allegedly saw Brooks pull out of a gas station at a high speed, striking the attendant with the bumper of his car and crashing into another vehicle as he pulled onto the street. The police pursued Brooks on to Evans Way, where he struck another car, flattening two of his tires.

Brooks stopped for the police cruisers a few blocks farther down the street.

The owner of the gas station told the officers that Brooks allegedly owed him $500 for some repair work and was allegedly trying to retrieve his car without settling the debt.

November 3, 5:43 p.m.--A juvenile was arrested at the Med School for assault and battery with a deadly weapon and assault and battery on a police officer. The officer said he approached the youth, who was standing near a bicycle with a chain in his hand and asked him to identify himself. The youth began to walk away with the bicycle, and when the officer repeated his question, the youth allegedly struck him in the chest with the chain.

Police estimated the total value of property stolen last week at $13,869 including eight wallets, a set of wind-shield wipers, a 1978 BMW and a black desk phone.

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