
ACSR Holds First Meeting Of the Year

Meeting last night for the first time this year, the Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility (ACSR) made no major policy decisions but scheduled a January meeting with the Corporation, Candy R. Corvey, secretary to the committee, said last night.

The planned meeting, initiated by the Corporation, is part of an effort to "keep the lines of communication and understanding open" between the two bodies, Corvey said.

The ACSR gives non-binding advice to the Corporation on the social issues that come before the stockholders of the various companies in the University's portfolio.

The committee is likely to consider many of the same issues that came up last year, including trade with the Soviet Union, nuclear power, and divestment of stock in companies that do business in South Africa, Milton Katz, Stimson Professor of Law Emeritus, who chaired the committee last year, said after the meeting. "There is not specific reason to anticipate anything new now," he added.

President Bok has not yet named Katz's successor.


ACSR members were reluctant last night to discuss in detail their positions on committee-related issues. "This is very new for me. It's hard to draw conclusions now," Paul S. Russell, Homans Professor of Surgery at the Medical School and a new committee member, said.

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