...The local residents are being encouraged to take an interest in their gardens and a great many have, apart from their flower gardens, established vagetable beds and fruit trees. For these garden lovers the Horticultural Section provides trees, plants and advice. Garden competitions are organised each year...
...A wide range of social welfare services is provided to the Soweto community. Among other things, rehabilitation work has undertaken a Sheltered Employment Workshop for disabled persons and special attention is given to handicapped children, alcoholics and people with special problems...
...A large staff of trained personnel organise recreational activities in Soweto. Soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, swimming pools, play grounds, golf courses, etc. have been provided and are being added to constantly...
The Future?
...Soweto has a bright future and if the present tempo of development and the enthusiasm of its residents, the local authorities and their advisors can be maintained, then there is every reason to believe that it will become a prosperous, modern city within the next 10 years...
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