
Career Services Counselor Named As New Director

Martha K. Leape, an associate director of Office of Career Services and Off-Campus Learning (OCS-OCL) and former senior tutor of Winthrop House yesterday was named director of the counseling service, OCS-OCL officials said yesterday.

Leape, who fills the vacancy left by Robert J. Ginn Jr., declined to comment on her plans for the position, because Dean Fox has not officially announced her appointment.

John W. Pollock, one of four associate directors of OCS-OCL, yesterday said Leape was a good choice because she "understands students and administration."

Leape came to OCS-OCL as a counselor in the Health Careers program, which she later coordinated. While senior tutor at Winthrop House, she served as a part-time counselor at OCS-OCL. After leaving Winthrop in July, she began working as a full-time counselor and associate director.

Marlyn E. Lewis, head of the search committee that screened applicants and assistant dean of the college, yesterday said the committee received 50 applications and interviewed 12 people. She added that a large number applied because "this is a flagship position; (OCS-OCL) is the pre-eminent career-planning office in the country."


Ginn resigned as director on August 31 to assume a similar position at Smith College. No acting director was appointed in the interim; Pollock said the office ran smoothly under the joint control of the associate directors.

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