
Safety Commission Head to Join IOP

Resigns Chairmanship to Accept Fellowship

Susan King, chairman of the United States Consumer Products Safety Commission, has accepted a four-month fellowship at the Institute of Politics (IOP) beginning February 1, IOP sources said yesterday.

King, who has chaired the commission for two years, notified President Carter yesterday of her resignation, effective January 31.

Change of Pace

As a fellow, King said yesterday, she hopes to lead a study group on regulatory processes.

"I've never had an academic experience of this type before," King said, adding she is challenged by the idea of teaching. She also said she is "looking forward to working with the students" and is relieved to be leaving her safety commission position, which she called "very wearing."


In addition, King said the fellowship will give her a chance "to reflect on my experiences in government."

On the Active Side

King, a participant in the IOP's campaign finance study group for several years, has worked in politics since 1965, holding positions in all three branches of the Federal government, political campaigns and lobbying organizations. "It's been an activist-type career," she said.

IOP Coup

IOP officials were pleased with King's decision to accept the fellowship. "I think it's a coup that we've got her to come to us," Nicholas T. Mitropoulos, assistant to the director of the IOP said yesterday.

Her work with the Products Safety Commission and other agencies has given her "an extremely varied background in the whole regulation field," Charles W. Greenleaf, assistant director at the IOP, said yesterday.

To be selected by the IOP, fellows must be active in public life, either in government or public interest groups, and must be "political activists," Greenleaf said. They are expected to lead study groups and do independent research.
