
Women Icers Fall Short; Brown Takes 4-3 Decision

The Harvard women's hockey team fell to Brown, 4-3, last night when a last minute surge of Crimson energy could not stop the steamrolling Bruins.

Despite injuries that kept several Harvard starters on the bench last night, the Crimson's performance showed marked improvement over its last contest with Brown, an 8-0 drubbing in December.

After her second unsuccessful attempt at defeating her alma mater, Harvard coach Rita Harder said, "I'm optimistic. I don't feel bad about this game at all."

In fact, the first period was all Harvard's, as the icewomen skated past the Bruins for two quick goals. Dianne Hurley, assisted by Julie Starr, flipped one between the legs of Bruin goalie Janice Moody at 4:41.

Eight minutes later, Hurley was involved in another scramble in front of the net, and flipped the puck to Sara Fischer, who slipped it past Moody for Harvard's second goal. An excellent defensive effort led by Debbie Taft kept Harvard on top for the rest of the period.


Bruins Get Tough

However, in the second period, Brown took over. Having trouble connecting passes and frequently panicking when trapped in their own zone, the icewomen lost control of the game.

Five minutes into the period, Brown's Elisabeth Deans scored to kill Harvard goalie Laura Zuckerman's shutout.

When Brown scored again, at the ten minute mark-this time on an Amy Crafts pass to Jennifer Voichick-the Bruins took over the very same momentum that had kept Harvard going through the first period. At the end of two frames, the teams went into the locker rooms dead even, but Brown clearly had the upper hand.

Seven minutes into the third period, the Bruins' Chery1 Stahl flipped one in unassisted from about fifteen feet. Two minute later, Crafts scored Brown's fourth goal and Harvard's defense began to fall apart.

Once again, Harvard passes failed to connect, just as they had in the second period. Despite Brown's numberous penalties, Harvard just could not seem to capitalize on power play situations.

Never Say Die

In the final two minutes of the game, the Crimson made a last ditch comeback effort and rushed the Bruins, forcing several turnovers, and with six seconds left Hurley scored again, putting the Crimson one goal away from a minor miracle. But a quick Brown sweep which lasted six seconds after the faceoff soon melted those hopes.
