To the Editors of The Crimson:
In the Thursday, 18 December edition of your paper, you ran a story on the letter that I have sent to the Executive Committee of the Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life (CHUL). That article contained an inaccuracy that I would like to correct.
The article stated, "Colantuono said he felt that none of the people named to the committee was truly interested in gay issues." This is untrue. I have not made any such statement. In the letter to the Executive Committee I did write, "With all due modesty, I feel that few CHUL members have my command of an issue of such importance to me." I have the greatest respect for the persons appointed to the subcommittee.
My concern is the fact that I have been excluded from that committee. My letter clearly states my concerns. A committee formed to study policy on gay issues should not be fashioned so as to exclude gays. The time is long since past when gays could allow straights to determine our future. We must participate in the process of making those decisions that affect our lives. We cannot allow ourselves to be excluded in a discriminatory fashion.
Once again, let me express my respect for the members of the newly formed committee. I look forward to working with them on such an important issue. Michael G. Colantuono '83 CHUL Member
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