
History and Lit. Moves

The Committee of History and Literature will be moving from Holyoke Center to the building which at present houses the Varisty Club, and which will require approximately $100,000 to redo, Richard G. Leahy '54, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science for Research and the Allied Institutions, said yesterday.

The Varsity Club will, in turn, move into Carey Cage, just north of Blodgett Pool in the Soldiers Field complex, club officials said yesterday.

The Varsity Club building will require $100,000 worth of renovations to accomodate the committee's office needs, Leahy said.

Linda J. Gray, a History and Literature Administrator, said yesterday that much of the $100,000 bill would be necessary to add many offices to the existing floor space to suit the committee's administrative needs. She also said that the committee will be able to move into its new location by August or September of this year.

Gray said she liked the idea of working in the present Varsity Club, because the present office space in the Holyoke Center is "not large enough" and because the new site is "ideal for History and Literature's needs."


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