
GUERRILLA To Stage Sit-in For Extended Library Hours

The student protest group GUERRILLA announced in a letter to Archie C. Epps, III dean of students, yesterday that it plans to stage a 1 a.m. sit-in tonight at Lamont Library to demand 24-hour library usage during exam period.

The administration's failure to respond to a 55-to-1 Student Assembly vote in favor of extending library hours prompted the action, Henry C. Park '84, a GUERRILLA member, said yesterday.

The group does not expect the administration to meet all its demands but hopes the sit-in will lead to new negotiations with CHUL and the Student Assembly, another GUERRILLA spokesman, who asked not to be identified, said yesterday.

GUERRILLA members said they expect the administration to try to disrupt the sit-in and that they will leave if the police arrive. The GUERRILLA spokesman added that they will encourage students to walk back to their dorms in groups after the sit-in to show that hours will not bring on a security risk.

Safety in Numbers


GUERRILLA is putting up posters and calling supporters to publicize the sit-in, Park said. The group hopes for a turnout of hundreds that will "dramatize broad based support," he added.

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