
CHUL Witholds Policy

A member of the Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life (CHUL) withdrew his recommendation that Harvard adopt an official non-discrimination policy against gay students to allow time for a fact-finding group to prepare its report.

Michael G. Colantuano '83, a CHUL representative from Quincy House and a member of the Gay Students Association (GSA), announced at yesterday's CHUL meeting that he will resubmit his proposal for consideration at the committee's February meeting, after a CHUL sub-committee on gay issues completes its research.

Colantuano, who charged last month that he was purposely excluded from the subcommittee, is now working with its members to prepare a summary of arguments for and against the adoption of a non-discrimination policy.

The subcommittee will research policy precedents but will not act as an advisory committee to CHUL," Patricia A. Herlihy, co-master of Mather House and a member of the subcommittee, reported to CHUL yesterday.

She added that the subcommittee's alleged incidents of the University's investigation of discriminatory policy will help CHUL determine whether Colontuano's proposal is necessary.


In other business, CHUL yesterday passed a proposal by the House Systems Subcommittee to change the ceiling on the sex ratio in this year's freshman housing lottery to 2.1 to 1, down from last year's 2.5 to 1.

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