1) The College should be more explicit in expressing its support for "the minority presence at Harvard and the necessity of good race relations on campus."
2) The Core Curriculum should include a set of courses on race relations and ethnic groups.
3) The College should reaffirm its commitment to affirmative action to increase the number of minority Faculty.
4) The University should establish and publicize a grievance procedure for solving discrimination complaints.
5) The number of minority proctors and tutors should be increased.
6) The dean of students should meet with the heads of undergraduate organizations in order to determine how to increase their minority representation.
7) The University should monitor the occurrence of violent and non-violent racial incidents directed against undergraduates in the Boston and Cambridge area.
8) Harvard should develop a high school curriculum that aids in promoting racial understanding.
9) The dean of admissions should undertake a study to determine why a higher proportion of minority than white students who are accepted turn down Harvard's offer of admission.
10) Community leaders should take effective measures to promote racial integration and break down the barriers of separatism.
11) Students should make an increased effort to "get to know each other and improve the College's racial atmosphere."
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