
Uniform Changes

CALL 5-1212

The University Police will vacate its familiar confines in the basement of Grays - Hall some time this fall, moving to a new spot headquarters at 29 Garden St.

In announcing the imminent move--which will take place sometime between November and January, depending on the progress of renovations--Saul L. Chafin, chief of University Police, assured that patrols in the Yard will remain at the present level.

The shift in location will allow for better coordination of activities, better supervision, improved maintenance and better accountability, Chafin said.

Daniel Steiner '54, general counsel to the University, who is responsible for the police, said the move "does not mean you're not going to see policemen or police cars."

The new headquarters has a garage, and both Steiner and Chafin cited the esthetic advantages of the new site. "We've been here in the basement for a number of years," Chafin said. The new office, he added, "won't look like a police station."


Rather, Chafin said the new facilities will offer "a clean, wholesome working environment."

The summer also marked a change in the police force's status, when county officials deputized all the University's men in blue. The move gives the police the right to make arrests when they are chasing someone outside of Harvard.

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