
Trouble in River City

Club Crush

Trouble at the Pi Eta clubhouse on Mt. Auburn St. began late this September, when Paul R. Callahan '80, president of the A.D. club and a Pi Eta hopeful, slipped and fell on a beer-soaked floor during the club's annual initiation ceremonies.

Initially paralyzed by the accident from the neck down, the senior eventually regained feeling in his upper torso after an extended hospital stay but remains paralyzed below the waist and confined to a wheelchair.

University officials have been keeping an eye on the club since an initiate crashed through a plate glass door during last year's nude run through Lamont Library and the Square.

This spring, the club was again the scene of another mishap.

When Susan C. Morrison '82 walked into the Pi Eta to check out a party, a sophomore football player allegedly propositioned her and then decked her with a punch.


Despite club members attempts to hush up the case, Morrison and her assailant eventually went before the Administrative Board, which ruled that the football star, already on disciplinary probation, did not have to leave the College.

Because final clubs are private institutions, their responsibilities to the University community are not always clear.
