
RCP Group Tried On Trespassing Conduct Charges

Ten members of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) arrested this April in connection with a demonstration outside Cambridge's public high school had their cases continued this week without a change of the "not guilty" plea.

"The cases have been put in the dead file because the state is afraid of a political trial," Dawn Evans, a spokesman for the RCP, said yesterday. Evans added that the cases could "be pulled out again and activated," adding that the ruling might be an attempt to keep the RCP from demonstrating in the future.

Felicity Tuttle, the assistant district attorney who presecuted the case, refused to comment yesterday.

The RCP members gathered in front of the high school early April 9 to speak and hand out literature promoting a march scheduled for May Day.

Security guards at the school said they called the police because they feared some students might attack the demonstrators. Many of the high school students formed in a circle around the RCP members, and some sang "God Bless America" to drown out the speeches.


After their release that afternoon, RCP members returned to the school and continued making speeches.
