
On the Road


In one of the largest academic realignments of recent years, the City and Regional Planning program (CRP), will officially move to the Kennedy School of Government from the Graduate School of Design (GSD) on July 1.

In November, President Bok launched the idea with a trial balloon and three months later he informed Graham T. Allison Jr. '62, dean of the K-School and Gerald M. McCue, dean-designate of the GSD, that the transfer had become a reality.

The announcement of the shift surprised faculty members and students at both schools, but its origins date back at least ten years. Since 1970 CRP's curriculum and instructors have been moving toward an emphasis on public policy as opposed to physical planning.

Although the move will cause administrative headaches both in Gund Hall and at the K-School, most of those concerned now agree with Bok that the shift is logical.

John M. Kain, chairman of CRP, will keep his headquarters in Gund until additions are built onto the K-School, a project due for completion in late 1982. Until then CRPites will toil far away from their official new home.
