
Collections, Connections

The Revolving Door

Workmen seemed to have installed revolving doors in the offices of several deans at the graduate schools and in the College. Among the changes:

*One-time vice president for financial affairs Hale Champion returned from his post as undersecretary in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to be a special assistant to President Bok. Bok then appointed Champion to be the executive dean of the Kennedy School of Government.

*Maurice D. Kilbridge stepped aside as dean of the Graduate School of Design (GSD) to make room for Gerald M. McCue, professor of Architecture and Urban Design. In May, Henry N. Cobb '46, a founding partner in the I.M. Pei firm, agreed to replace McCue as chairman of the GSD's Architecture Department.

*John H. McArthur, assistant dean of the Business School, moved one rung up the ladder to replace Lawrence E. Fouraker, Baker Professor of Business Administration, as dean of the B-School.

* Dean Rosovsky appointed Sidney Verba '53, professor of Government, to replace Glen W. Bowersock '57 as associated dean of the Faculty for undergraduate education. Because Verba will be on sabbatical next year, Rosovsky--after some hesitation--appointed George C. Homans '32, professor of Sociology, to fill the position in the interim.
