
Guesses Abound For Honoraries

Speculation continued to mount yesterday over whom President Bok will confer honorary degrees on at Thursday's Commencement ceremonies.

Don Zimmer? Lyndon Larouche?

Sources close to Massachusetts Hall speculate that Bok may award an honorary in abstentia to Nobel Prize Winning physicist, Andrei Sakharov, currently in exile in the Russian City of Gorki.

Abolhassan Bani-Sadr? Ayatollah Shariat-Madari?

With the University in the throes of its $250 million fund drive, many believe Bok will bestow an honorary on one of the University's major donors; speculation has centered on Dr. Arthur M. Sackler, who donated $5 million toward the construction of the new wing of the Fogg Museum or a member of the Bright family.


Colonel Kurtz? Charlie Beckwith?

There is little doubt in most observers' minds that David I Riesman '31, Ford Professor of Social Sciences, will pick up an honorary before he officially steps down from the University.

Sid Vicious? Rosie Ruiz?

Sources at the Divinity School report that retiring Rep. Robert F. Drinan may pick up one of the honoraries. German sources say theologian Hans Kung is another possibility.
