
Student Group Pickets Gown Sales

New Alternate Gown Available

An International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU) staff member and student organizers of the Cotrell and Leonard graduation gown boycott yesterday picketed in front of the Harvard Coop and offered a second alternative gown to graduating students.

The group decided to picket the Coop to publicize the availability of a second alternative gown, Blair Goodman, an ILGWU staff member based in Albany, said yesterday.

The new alternate gown is not the same quality as the other alternate gown offered earlier, Guy Molyneux '81, organizer of the protest, said, adding "It is still better than wearing a gown made by scab labor." Both alternate caps and gowns are made by companies whose workers are not on strike.

"We are unsatisfied with the Coop's decision to sell Cotrell and Leonard at all, and the Harvard administration has been no help," Molyneux said.

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Goodman said the group plans to protest at Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology commencement ceremonies, possibly with the help of ILGWU workers from the Boston area.
