
Inflammatory Term


To the Editors of The Crimson:

A number of Native American students at Harvard have complained to me about the use of the term, "Indian Giver" in your April 18, 1980 article "CARTER BANS ALL TRADE; WARNS MILITARY ACTION NEXT." The term "Indian Giver" is blatantly racist because the meaning it denotes has no basis in fact; mischaracterizes the history of the Federal-Indian relationship; and perpetuates a cruel stereotype. To the contrary, Native Americans are known for keeping their word and for living by their treaties.

I feel certain that in the future you will make every effort to avoid using such inflammatory language. I am also certain that your use of the term was inadvertent. However, it would only take a moment's pause to consider deleting any racist remarks from your articles. Frank Anthony Ryan   Director: American Indian Program   Lecture on Education
