To the Editors of The Crimson:
We wish that your article on Eugene's Restaurant in today's (March 18, 1980) Crimson had made clear that there is no connection between the Orson Welles Cinema and Eugene's Restaurant.
In April of 1976, Mr. Hoagland, who presently operates Eugene's, owns the real estate on Mass Ave from the bicycle shop to the theatres, and started the cinemas in 1969, sold the cinemas and leased the theater space to Cate Enterprises, whose sole business is motion picture exhibition, distribution and marketing. Since that sale in 1976, Mr. Hoagland has played no role in the ownership, management, operation and policies of the cinemas.
It is important to make that clear as many people inaccurately associate all the businesses on that block as one and as part of an Orson Welles complex.
Inaccurately your article notes that the old restaurant in 1977 was the Orsor Welles Restaurant. It was not. It was the Restaurant at the Orson Welles. Such is an example of the erroneous associations that many people make and as such should be clarified and distinguished. J. D. Pollack for the Orson Welles Cinemas
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