
Know Your Winter Sports, Sports:

She grew up in Louisville A stone's throw from the river, So if she loves to dive and swim, For heaven's sake, forgive her.

Her diving's brought her pretty far--Some even call her famous, Sure, everyone has seen her face, But who knows what her name is?

Coach Joe Bernal's squad contains Many freshman swimmers Some stand out like shining stars, And others glimmer dimmer.

One of the kids who shines the most `Round Blodgett's wet surroundings Is this fine yardling butterflier Whose times are so astounding!

She ran cross-country in the fall, And in the winter, indoor track No lazy girl this SoHo lass--A leader of the pack.


I've given you her house and sport, And at left you see her face If you can give me back her name, You too will win the race.


The Cube predicts...

Jeffrey R. Toobin, Sports Editor--UCLA

Laurence S. Grafstein, Associate Sports Editor, Canadian--Louisville

Michelle D. Healy, Associate Sports Editor, Trivia Buff--UCLA

Helen V. Scovell, Associate Sports Editor--UCLA

Mark D. Director, Sports Editor Emeritus--Iowa

Mark H. Doctoroff, Baseball Manager's brother--Purdue

Bruce Schoenfeld, Prognosticator--Louisville

Mike Bass, Cub Reporter--Louisville

Elizabeth H. Wiltshire, Fencing Writer, North House Resident--UCLA

Patrick R. Sorrento, The Enforcer--The Sox

H. N. Mead, Man in the Street--UCLA

Two goalies here: A senior, one, Whose playing days are through. The other will be in the nets `Til 1982.

A co-captain and a starter, Both very gallant lads, Can you supply us with the names Of these men behind the pads?

This freshman learned his brand of hoop On courts deep in the city He may not be consistent yet, But his play sure is pretty.

His last name is a famous one: Just ask the trackster Adam--Penn knows it--Brown and Cornell too And all three wish they had him.

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