
Assembly Group Urges Reevaluation of Harberger

The Student Assembly, without a quorum, voted last night to urge the administration to reconsider the appointment of Arnold C. Harberger to the directorship of the Harvard Institute for International Development.

The 37 members present at the time of the vote passed the resolution as a "committee of the whole," because more than 25 representatives left early, leaving the meeting without the 41 members necessary for a quorum.


Leslie A. Cornfeld '81, president of the assembly, said afterwards the resolution did not necessarily represent the view of the assembly, but only of those members present.

Earlier, the assembly passed a measure not to make any statement at all on the appointment, which it later reconsidered.


In a lengthy debate marked by several heated outbursts, the assembly passed a resolution stating, "The Student Assembly, committee of the whole, recognizes the effort of a large number of organizations to oppose the Harberger appointment. We acknowledge this sentiment, and urge the Administration to reconsider the Harberger appointment, and re-form the search committee with fair and democratic representation of all groups at Harvard/Radcliffe."

President Bok was unavailable for comment last night.

Jamie B. Raskin '83, who proposed the resolution which was eventually passed, said it represented "a significant victory for the anti-Harberger groups."

A Winthrop House representative, who voted for the resolution but asked to remain unidentified, said, "I feel that we decided that there should be a fair representation of all groups on the search committee and not that we specifically opposed the Harberger appointment."

Laura K. Jenkins '83, a member of Raza, which has opposed the Harberger appointment, said the measure "came as close to condemning Harberger as we can get."

Cornfeld added that she would like the assembly to take more political stands in addition to taking action on student issues and events.

The assembly also announced the be another happy hour at 33 Dunster Street Thursday, and a party at the Narcissus discotheque April 13, sponsored jointly with the Black Students' Association and the Radcliffe Union of Students.

The assembly announced that there will successful conclusion of its effort to extend library hours to 1 a.m. during reading period.

The Assembly also worked on projects for a spring weekend in late April or early May, and a benefit rock concert featuring the Pousette-Dart Band and Orleans.
