
MIT Appointments

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Christopher T. Walsh '65 and Ernest G. Cravalho recently became associate directors of the Whitaker College of Health Sciences, Technology, and Management, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Irving M. London '39, director of Whitaker, said yesterday.

Walsh and Cravalho will aid London in managing the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST) and organizing new programs in the health sciences at MIT.

Students take classes at both schools and receive either an M.D. degree from Harvard Medical School or a Ph. D. degree from MIT.

Walsh holds professorships in both chemistry and biology at MIT and received the Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry in 1978 for his work on enzyme mechanisms. His research interests include molecular pharmacology and medicinal chemistry.

Cravalho, Matsushita Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Medicine at MIT and associate director of HST is one of the leading experts in the preservation of tissues at extremely low temperatures.


A $29 million medical complex, now under construction at MIT, will house Whitaker, when the building is completed in 1981.

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