To the Editors of The Crimson:
At last, The Crimson lends a hand to a Harvard alumna, Lu Shiu-lien, and her fellow opposition leaders pending a "sedition" trial before the military tribunal in Taiwan. Although the ruling Kuomintang (KMT) regime promises the American government, its arms supplier, that the trial will be fair, Burton Jablin's admirable, in-depth report makes it crystal clear that a fair trial before the military tribunal is a contradiction in terms. The trial has been postponed several times, because the KMT regime is waiting to size up this country's responses. As a student from Taiwan, I express my gratitude to The Crimson's concern over the plight of a Taiwanes alumna, and my admiration for Jablin's objective and penetrating report in the face of the KMT regime's propaganda. [name withheld for the safety of myself and my family in Taiwan]
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