The Lowell House Committee voted late last night to hold a House-wide referendum to decide whether to elect representatives to the Student Assembly's next session.
The referendum will be held on Wednesday and Thursday in the Lowell House dining room, and pro and con arguments will appear on the ballot, Elizabeth W. Harper '81, incoming Committee chairman, said last night.
Joseph F. McDonough '81, chairman of the Student Assembly, said last night the results of the referendum "will be very crucial to the survival of the Assembly," adding that the Assembly "needs all the Houses, or else the administration will not take us seriously."
More than 75 Lowell House residents attended the meeting, and heard sponsors of the resolution say the decision would be binding.
Frederick M. Scott '80, outgoing Committee chairman, said later the referendum was a "stupid little issue," and that many individuals were "a little too short-sighted" in their evaluation of the Student Assembly.
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