
The Ratliff File


Sister/Brother American


1. Psychoanalysts say we go through four sexual phases:

a. childhood (narcissist)

b. youth (lesbian/homosexual)


c. adulthood (heterosexual)

d. old age (Celibate)

2. Many are turned off by the second phase buried within them. They refuse to acknowledge it.

3. The sex problem's staring us in the face: we can be analytical instead of emotional.

4. We can see the comical aspect of sex. Mae West says we don't. Henry Ratliff

P.S. My ideology? Survival!

Sister/Brother Americans

Mae West and Sex

Confused with alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, junk food, marijuana, overweight, generation-gap, aging, public opinion, mastery-enslavement, sadism-masochism ecclesiasticism, unwanted children, abortion, venereal disease, bitterness, fear, doubt, envy, rivalry, suspicion, humorlessness, legal marriage, desertion, divorce, infidelity, paternity actions, court suits, money scramble and a multitude of other demands it is difficult to see sex clearly. Mae West conquers all these. She shows sex can be beautiful.   Henry Ratliff
