
Protestor Labels Theories 'Racist' Before Science B-15

In a ten minute speech before Science B-15, "Evolutionary Biology," taught by E.O. Wilson, Baird Professor of Science, a spokesman for the International Committee Against Racism (INCAR) reiterated his organization's charge that sociobiology is a racist theory.

Appearing as an invited speaker, Allan Weisinger, an extension student, accused Wilson of helping to bolster movements such as the Ku Klux Klan and the right-wing National Front of England.

Amid hisses and jeers from the class, Weisinger said that sociobiology is a "political" theory which, instead of aiding societal development, increases the propensity for war. "How else do leaders get people to fight in war?" he asked, arguing that "a political theory for inferiority" provides a popular excuse.

Responding to Weisinger's accusations, Wilson, who has outlined his theory in his book On Human Nature said the INCAR was following "a tortured line of reasoning." He added that he was puzzled by the organization's failure to acknowledge that sociobiology is "an enduring argument against racism."

Both Weisinger and Wilson acknowledged the need for more extensive public debate on the issue. "The subject needs to be examined in detail in an academic environment from all points of view," Wilson said.


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