
Cambridge Department Heads To Get 8-Per-Cent Pay Raises

The Cambridge City Council last night broke a month-old deadlock by agreeing to raise the pay of city department heads by 8 per cent next year.

The decision, on a 7-2 vote, applies to about 60 employees, including all middle-management personnel.

Cambridge City Manager James L. Sullivan had originally offered each of the department heads a $1,000 raise, less than 8 per cent in every case.

City Councilor Walter Sullivan recommended last month that the managers be given $4000 increases instead, arguing that the city could not attract and keep top-flight workers at current wages.

The city manager reached the 8 per cent compromise after discussions with the department heads and other management employees, none of whom are covered by a union contract.


"It's equivalent with the percentage factors for all departments," Sullivan told the council.

Sullivan said the raises would not force tax increases. The city will instead cut back on equipment purchases or other expenditures to make up the increased costs.
