
Surprise, Surprise

Doctoroff's Orders

Cinderella teams never win, but nobody ever bothered to tell the Currier House tackle football squad.

Yes Virginia, it's cynical and heartless out there in the great void which is House football, and maybe that's why the 11 strong men from the Quad still think they won their first ever regular season game on Wednesday.

Sorry guys,--and I hate to be the one to have to break the bad news--but Winthrop House won the game.

What? You say you're sure Currier scored the game's lone touchdown on a 36-yd. John Ealy to Joe Holland aerial early in the second half?

I saw it too, but that doesn't observe the fact that the game was over before it began.


Get the picture? Forfeit.

According to Winthrop House coach Alex DeJesus, Floyd S. Wilson, director of Intramurals, gave the official victory to Winthrop before the opening whistle. The only catch was, he didn't tell anyone--not DeJesus, not Currier coach Holland.

Wilson made the ruling on the grounds that Holland--a non-resident law tutor at Currier House--was playing illegally because he had received a letter for football in college.

Yet because of an agreement made by the two coaches shortly before the game, both teams were under the impression that Holland would be allowed to play legally so that Currier could field a full 11 man team.

Moment of Silence

Wilson had decided otherwise, however, and he kept his secret well. In fact, nobody knew anything about it until after the end of the abbreviated first quarter, when DeJesus found out almost by accident.

"Floyd only told me because I asked him," said DeJesus yesterday.

Somebody on the Currier squad should have asked him too, and maybe have saved some unnecessary and possibly dangerous effort. "If we had had to forfeit," said Ealy yesterday, "we probably wouldn't have agreed to play,"

Late yesterday, Ealy and other members of the Quad squad were still unenlightened, even though Wilson told Currier athletic secretary Bill Titus the news yesterday afternoon.

"As far as we know up here, we won the game," Ealy added.
