
Chisholm and Fuller Address Forum

Congresswoman Says Racism Flourishes

"Racism continues to flourish in this country," Shirley Chisolm (D-N.Y.) said yesterday to a crow of 600 at the Cambridge Forum.

She added that racism was America's greatest enemy and "we need to attack the enemies within our borders" before we can stand up to our enemies abroad.

"There has been a ten-year lull since the advances of the 1960s and the tide is going out," Chisolm said.

She cited the following factors as indicative of a loss of the gains made in the 1960s and a turn from a "benign to a malignant neglect" of race-related issues in the 1970s.

* the 35% unemployment rate of black youth;


* the rise in police brutality against blacks;

* discrimination in housing;

* a rise in a "Nazi, Ku Klux Klan, Facist mentality" among white Northerners;

* rising white claims of reverse discrimination;

* the neo-conservative movement to block affirmative action;

* the Bakke decision.

Chisolm said existing laws must be enforced to prevent further demise of racial relations "in this second period of reconstruction."

Mum's the Word

"Those in power do not have the conscience to do what is necessary," she added to loud applause.

In response to a question, Chisolm said the trend toward condominium conversion in American cities is an indication of discrimination against the poor.

Chisolm predicted a continued rise in condominium conversions as a result of the return of whites to the cities because of the energy crisis.

In response to other questions, Chisolm said she would vote against the draft and would not run for the presidency again.


She also said that in a recent trip to Cambodia with other congresswomen she found the food being shipped to relieve the famine is not being distributed because of governmental problems in the country
